Art of Storytelling in Business by Debjani Bhaduri

Storytelling is a powerful communication tool that can help convey messages, evoke emotions, build relationships, and inspire action and understanding to build effective communicators and organizations. 

(As you read on about art of storytelling sneak peek in business, here’s the ticket link) Our Ticketing Partner is Ticket9.

In the context of business, storytelling can be used in many ways, and sharing a brief:

1) Building brand identity
2) Marketing and advertising
3) Employee motivation and retention
4) Product demonstrations
5) Public relations and crisis management
5) Collaboration and problem-solving

so and so forth.

About the Trainer and Storyteller – Ms. Debjani Bhaduri

A Trainer and Story lover who more than a decade ago by a beautiful accident stumbled upon storytelling and then embarked on a journey with it.
She loves to share stories with people of all age groups and uses humor and drama elements to spread joy. She believes storytelling is a powerful teaching tool and hence she trains teachers to use it in the classroom.

So far she has trained more than 2000 teachers in various schools. She also coaches young professionals to nurture their soft skills through her stories in the Corporates.

Inviting you all to join in our upcoming Session with

About: Event Organizer

Mayaakatha Hub

Mayaakatha is a marketplace of Trainers, Mentors, and Coaches with a Vision and Purpose of transforming words and emotions into stories and enabling people to build their brand and outcome.

Mayaakatha works in collaboration with Trainers/ Mentors/ Coaches and offers
1) Business Coaching & Storytelling
2) Confidence-building & Nurturing skills
3) Writing skills
[email protected]

Mayaakatha Hub is in Incubation with NSRCEL IIM Bangalore.


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