KATHA KAAPI JUNCTION – Coming sooooon……

Katha Kaapi Junction

Like a Kaapi or Tea, Katha or stories always have that Soulful connection which will not only transport us to the universe outside but, also helps us travel within.

It’s about Kaapi and Stories meeting at a junction to pause for a while and within those brackets we pick pockets of memories and experiences by flipping leaflets from a book and a Storyteller capsules it into a tiny illusion ball to bring stories to reality.

We are starting this junction-connect from

Feb 2023 on 10th at 8.00 p.m.

More Details to follow… A PAID Event, we will have the details up soon for you to REGISTER AND ENJOY THE SESSION WITH the STORYTELLER & WRITER/ AUTHOR, Ms.Lakshmiprabha US

Ms. Lakshmi is an Environmental Sustainability Coach,
Founder of Prithvimitra Innovations (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.

Also Lakshmi has written a beautiful picture book,
Suju learns to be a GREEN WARRIOR which is available on StoryMirror and Amazon

Cover design by Sonal
and Foreword by Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai Sir

More details will be up soooooon..


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